link to page 5 link to page 5 STA8610AGlossaryGlossaryADC Analog-to-digital converter IRNSS Indian regional navigation satellite system, with the operational name of Navigation with Indian AEC Automotive Electronics Council. Also known as constellation (NAVIC). CDF-AEC for Chrysler-Delco-Ford Automotive Electronics Council. Shortened to AEC. ISO International Organization for Standardization ASIL Automotive safety integrity level I²C Inter-integrated circuit It is a risk classification system defined by the ISO 26262 standard for the functional safety of road JTAG Joint Test Action Group vehicles. There are four ASILs identified by ISO 26262―A, B, C, and D. ASIL A represents the lowest LDO Low-dropout regulator degree and ASIL D represents the highest degree of automotive hazard. LEO Low Earth orbit BeiDou Chinese navigation satellite-based radio LVDS Low-voltage differential signaling navigation system MIPS Microprocessor without interlocked pipeline CBC Cipher block chaining stages CDM Charged device model NAVIC Navigation with Indian constellation. The Indian regional navigation satellite system (IRNSS) is an DMA Direct memory access autonomous regional satellite navigation system that provides accurate real-time positioning and timing DRAW Dead reckoning automotive way services. DRUM Dead reckoning unplugged mode NVM Nonvolatile memory ESD Electrostatic discharge OSNMA Open service navigation message authentication Galileo EU´s global navigation satellite system P2P Peer-to-peer GLONASS Russian satellite navigation system. Acronym for GLObalnaya NAvigatsionnaya PCB Printed-circuit board Sputnikovaya Sistema (Russian). The role of the GLONASS satellite navigation system is similar to the PPP Precise point positioning GPS of the United States, the Galileo satellite positioning system of Europe, and the BeiDou satellite PPS Pulse per second navigation system of China. PVT Position-velocity-time GNSS Global navigation satellite system QFN Quad-flat no-leads GPIO General-purpose input/output QZSS Quasi-zenith satellite system. GPS Global positioning system A Japanese satellite positioning system composed mainly of satellites in quasi-zenith orbits (QZO), but HBM Human body model also of satellites in geostationary orbits (GEO). HSM Hardware security module RAM Random access memory HSSTP High-speed serial trace probe RTK Real-time kinematic DB5485 - Rev 1page 5/7 Document Outline STA8610A Features 1 Introduction 1.1 Description 1.2 Block diagram Revision history Glossary ADC AEC ASIL BeiDou CBC CDM DMA DRAW DRUM ESD Galileo GLONASS GNSS GPIO GPS HBM HSM HSSTP IRNSS ISO I²C JTAG LDO LEO LVDS MIPS NAVIC NVM OSNMA P2P PCB PPP PPS PVT QFN QZSS RAM RTK SBAS SDK SPI SPIQ SSP ST UART