Datasheet TS4061 (STMicroelectronics) - 4

DescripciónPrecision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference
Páginas / Página15 / 4 — Maximum ratings. TS4061. 2 Maximum. ratings. Table 1. Absolute maximum …
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Maximum ratings. TS4061. 2 Maximum. ratings. Table 1. Absolute maximum ratings. Symbol. Parameter. Value. Unit. Table 2. Thermal data

Maximum ratings TS4061 2 Maximum ratings Table 1 Absolute maximum ratings Symbol Parameter Value Unit Table 2 Thermal data

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Maximum ratings TS4061 2 Maximum ratings Table 1. Absolute maximum ratings Symbol Parameter Value Unit
Ik Reverse breakdown current 20 mA If Forward current 15 mA Pd Power dissipation(1) 500 mW Tstd Storage temperature -65 to +150 °C Human body model (HBM) 2 kV ESD Machine model (MM) 200 V Charged device model 1500 V Tlead Lead temperature (soldering) 10 sec 260 °C Tj Max. junction temperature +150 °C 1. Pd has been calculated with Tamb = 25 °C and Tjmax = 150 °C Note: Absolute maximum ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. Functional operation under these conditions is not implied.
Table 2. Thermal data Symbol Parameter SOT323-3L SOT23-3L Unit
RthJA Thermal resistance junction-ambient 246 242 °C/W RthJC Thermal resistance junction-case 171 103 °C/W
Table 3. Operating conditions Symbol Parameter Value Unit
Ikmin Minimum operating current 10 µA Ikmax Maximum operating current 15 mA Toper Operating free air temperature range -40 to +85 °C 4/15 DocID026252 Rev 2 Document Outline 1 Pin configuration Figure 1. Pin configuration SOT23-3L, SOT323-3L (top view) 2 Maximum ratings Table 1. Absolute maximum ratings Table 2. Thermal data Table 3. Operating conditions 3 Electrical characteristics Table 4. Electrical characteristics for TS4061 4 Typical performance characteristics Figure 2. VK change vs temperature (1.225 V version) Figure 3. VK change vs temperature (1.25 V version) Figure 4. IKmin minimum current for regulation Figure 5. IKmin minimum current for regulation vs temperature Figure 6. Output impedance vs frequency Figure 7. Forward characteristics Figure 8. Start-up waveform (no Cload) Figure 9. Start-up waveform (Cload = 100 nF) Figure 10. Low frequency noise 5 Package mechanical data 5.1 SOT23-3L, TS4061 Figure 11. SOT23-3L mechanical drawings Table 5. SOT23-3L mechanical data Figure 12. SOT23-3L recommended footprint 5.2 SOT323-3L, TS4061 Figure 13. SOT323-3L drawings Table 6. SOT323-3L mechanical data Figure 14. SOT323-3L recommended footprint 6 Ordering information Table 7. Order codes 7 Revision history Table 8. Document revision history