Datasheet PMC150, PMS150 (Padauk) - 4

Descripción8-bit OTP Type IO Controller
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PMC150/PMS150 Series. 8-bit OTP Type IO Controller. 5.8.2. Power-Down mode (“stopsys”).29. 5.8.3. Wake-up .30 6. 7. 8

PMC150/PMS150 Series 8-bit OTP Type IO Controller 5.8.2 Power-Down mode (“stopsys”).29 5.8.3 Wake-up .30 6 7 8

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PMC150/PMS150 Series
8-bit OTP Type IO Controller
5.8.2. Power-Down mode (“stopsys”).29
5.8.3. Wake-up .30 6. 7. 8.
9. 5.9. IO Pins .31 5.10. Reset and LVR .32
5.10.1. Reset .32
5.10.2. LVR reset .32
5.10.3. Notice for LVR reset .32 IO Registers . 34
6.1. ACC Status Flag Register (flag), IO address = 0x00 .34 6.2. Stack Pointer Register (sp), IO address = 0x02 .34 6.3. Clock Mode Register (clkmd), IO address = 0x03.34 6.4. Interrupt Enable Register (inten), IO address = 0x04.34 6.5. Interrupt Request Register (intrq), IO address = 0x05 .35 6.6. Timer 16 mode Register (t16m), IO address = 0x06 .35 6.7. External Oscillator setting Register (eoscr, write only), IO address = 0x0a .35 6.8. IHRC oscillator control Register (ihrcr, write only), IO address = 0x0b.35 6.9. Interrupt Edge Select Register (integs), IO address = 0x0c .36 6.10. Port A Digital Input Enable Register (padier), IO address = 0x0d .36 6.11. Port A Data Registers (pa), IO address = 0x10 .36 6.12. Port A Control Registers (pac), IO address = 0x11 .36 6.13. Port A Pull-High Registers (paph), IO address = 0x12 .36 6.14. MISC Register (misc), IO address = 0x3b .37 Instructions . 38
7.1. Data Transfer Instructions .39 7.2. Arithmetic Operation Instructions .42 7.3. Shift Operation Instructions .44 7.4. Logic Operation Instructions .45 7.5. Bit Operation Instructions .47 7.6. Conditional Operation Instructions.47 7.7. System control Instructions .48 7.8. Summary of Instructions Execution Cycle .50 7.9. Summary of affected flags by Instructions .51 7.10. BIT definition .51 Code Options . 52
Special Notes . 53
9.1. Warning .53 9.2. Using IC .53
9.2.1. IO pin usage and setting .53
9.2.2. Interrupt .53 ©Copyright 2018, PADAUK Technology Co. Ltd Page 4 of 56 PDK-DS-PMX150-EN-V108 – Dec. 11, 2018