3OZ CiTiceL® Ozone (O ) Gas Sensor 3 Product Code : AS004-J00 Product Data Sheet Poisoning CiTiceLs are designed for operation in a wide range of environments and harsh conditions. However, it is important that exposure to high concentrations of solvent vapours is avoided, both during storage, fitting into instruments and operation. When using sensors with printed circuit boards (PCBs), degreasing agents should be used before the sensor is fitted. Do not glue directly on or near the CiTiceL as the solvent may cause crazing of the plastic. Cross Sensitivity Table Whilst CiTiceLs are designed to be highly specific to the gas they are intended to measure, they will still respond to some degree to various other gases. The table below is not exclusive and other gases not included in the table may still cause a sensor to react. IMPORTANT NOTE : The cross sensitivity data shown below does not form part of theproduct specification and is supplied for guidance only. Values quoted are based ontests conducted on a small number of sensors and any batch may show significantvariation. For the most accurate measurements, an instrument should be calibratedusing the gas under investigation.GasTest Gas (ppm)3OZ (ppm O )3 Carbon Monoxide, CO 300 0 Hydrogen Sulfide, H S 15 -2 2 Sulfur Dioxide, SO 5 0 2 Nitric Oxide, NO 35 0 Nitrogen Dioxide, NO 5 3.5 2 Chlorine, Cl 1 0.5 < x$ < 1 2 Hydrogen, H 100 0 2 Hydrogen Cyanide, HCN 10 0 Hydrogen Chloride, HCl 5 0 Ethylene, C H 100 0 2 4 SAFETY NOTE This sensor is designed to be used in safety critical applications. To ensure that the sensor and/or instrument in which it is used, are operating properly, it is a requirement that the function of the device is confirmed by exposure to target gas (bump check) before each use of the sensor and/or instrument. Failure to carry out such tests may jeopardize the safety of people and property. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document at the time of printing. In accordance with the company’s policy of continued product improvement City Technology Limited reserves the right to make product changes without notice. The products are always subject to a programme of improvement and testing which may result in some changes in the characteristics quoted. As the products may be used by the client in circumstances beyond the knowledge and control of City Technology Limited, we cannot give any warranty as to the relevance of these particulars to an application. It is the clients’ responsibility to carry out the necessary tests to determine the usefulness of the products and to ensure their safety of operation in a particular application. Doc. Ref.: 3oz.indd ECN I 4849 Issue 6 Page 3 of 3 12th June 2017 The Right Sensor Can Save A Life Web: www.citytech.com Email: sales@citytech.com Call: +44(0) 23 9228 8100