STTS22HAbsolute maximum ratings4Absolute maximum ratings Stresses above those listed as “Absolute maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device under these conditions is not implied. Exposure to maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Table 5. Absolute maximum ratingsSymbolRatingsMaximum valueUnit VDD Supply voltage -0.3 to 4.8 V Vin Input voltage on any control pin -0.3 to VDD+0.3 V TSTG Storage temperature range -40 to +125 °C ESD Electrostatic discharge protection 2 (HBM) kV Note: Supply voltage on any pin should never exceed 4.8 V. This device is sensitive to mechanical shock, improper handling can cause permanent damage to the part. This device is sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD), improper handling can cause permanent damage to the part. DS12606 - Rev 4page 7/29 Document Outline 1 Overview 2 Pin description 3 Sensor parameters and electrical specifications 3.1 Sensor accuracy specifications 4 Absolute maximum ratings 5 Digital interfaces 5.1 SMBus interface 5.1.1 SMBus protocol 5.1.2 WRITE byte 5.1.3 READ byte 5.1.4 SEND byte 5.1.5 RECEIVE byte 5.1.6 SMBus timeout 5.1.7 Alert response address 5.2 I²C interface 5.2.1 I²C protocol 5.2.2 I²C read and write sequences 6 Register description 6.1 WHOAMI (01h) - RO 6.2 TEMP_H_LIMIT (02h) - RW 6.3 TEMP_L_LIMIT (03h) - RW 6.4 CTRL (04h) - RW 6.5 STATUS (05h) - RO 6.6 TEMP_L_OUT (06h) - RO 6.7 TEMP_H_OUT (07h) - RO 6.8 SOFTWARE_RESET (0Ch) - RW 7 Interrupt 8 ALERT / INT output 9 Operating modes 9.1 Enable sequence for one-shot mode 9.2 Enable sequence for freerun mode 9.3 Enable sequence for low-ODR mode 10 Package information 10.1 Soldering information 10.2 UDFN-6L package information 10.3 UDFN-6L packing information Revision history