3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Marking. Parts shall be permanently and legibly marked with the manufacturer’s part number as shown in 6.3 herein and as follows: A. Manufacturer’s name, CAGE code, or logo B. Pin 1 identifier C. ESDS identification (optional) 3.2 Unit container. The unit container shall be marked with the manufacturer’s part number and with items A and C (if applicable) above. 3.3 Electrical characteristics. The maximum and recommended operating conditions and electrical performance characteristics are as specified in 1.3, 1.4, and table I herein. 3.4 Design, construction, and physical dimension. The design, construction, and physical dimensions are as specified herein. 3.5 Diagrams. 3.5.1 Case outline. The case outline shall be as shown in 1.2.2 and figure 1. 3.5.2 Terminal connections. The terminal connections shall be as shown in figure 2. 3.5.3 Terminal function. The terminal function shall be as shown in figure 3. 3.5.4 Functional block diagram. The functional block diagram shall be as shown in figure 4. DLA LAND AND MARITIME SIZE CODE IDENT NO. DWG NO. COLUMBUS, OHIOA16236V62/18612 REV PAGE 4 Document Outline DESCRIPTION REV REV PMIC N/A TITLE SIZE A V62/18612 REV