Datasheet AD7655-EP (Analog Devices) - 9

FabricanteAnalog Devices
DescripciónLow Cost, 4-Channel, 16-Bit, 500 kSPS PulSAR ADC
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Enhanced Product. AD7655-EP. Pin No. Mnemonic. Type1. Description

Enhanced Product AD7655-EP Pin No Mnemonic Type1 Description

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Enhanced Product AD7655-EP Pin No. Mnemonic Type1 Description
14 D[5] DI/O When SER/PAR is LOW, this output is used as Bit 5 of the Parallel Port Data Output Bus. or INVSYNC When SER/PAR is HIGH, this input, part of the serial port, is used to select the active state of the SYNC signal in Master modes. When LOW, SYNC is active HIGH. When HIGH, SYNC is active LOW. 15 D[6] DI/O When SER/PAR is LOW, this output is used as Bit 6 of the parallel port data output bus. or INVSCLK When SER/PAR is HIGH, this input, part of the serial port, is used to invert the SCLK signal. It is active in both master and slave modes. 16 D[7] DI/O When SER/PAR is LOW, this output is used as Bit 7 of the Parallel Port Data Output Bus. or RDC/SDIN When SER/PAR is HIGH, this input, part of the serial port, is used as either an external data input or a read mode selection input, depending on the state of EXT/INT. When EXT/INT is HIGH, RDC/SDIN can be used as a data input to daisy-chain the conversion results from two or more ADCs onto a single SDOUT line. The digital data level on SDIN is output on SDOUT with a delay of 32 SCLK periods after the initiation of the read sequence. When EXT/INT is LOW, RDC/SDIN is used to select the read mode. When RDC/SDIN is HIGH, the previous data is output on SDOUT during conversion. When RDC/SDIN is LOW, the data can be output on SDOUT only when the conversion is complete. 17 OGND P Input/Output Interface Digital Power Ground. 18 OVDD P Input/Output Interface Digital Power. Nominally at the same supply as the supply of the host interface (5 V or 3 V). 19, 36 DVDD P Digital Power. Nominally at 5 V. 21 D[8] DO When SER/PAR is LOW, this output is used as Bit 8 of the Parallel Port Data Output Bus. or SDOUT When SER/PAR is HIGH, this output, part of the serial port, is used as a serial data output synchronized to SCLK. Conversion results are stored in a 32-bit on-chip register. The AD7655-EP provides the two conversion results, MSB first, from its internal shift register. The order of channel outputs is controlled by A/B. In serial mode, when EXT/INT is LOW, SDOUT is valid on both edges of SCLK. In serial mode, when EXT/INT is HIGH: If INVSCLK is LOW, SDOUT is updated on the SCLK rising edge and valid on the next falling edge. If INVSCLK is HIGH, SDOUT is updated on the SCLK falling edge and valid on the next rising edge. 22 D[9] DI/O When SER/PAR is LOW, this output is used as Bit 9 of the Parallel Port Data Output Bus. or SCLK When SER/PAR is HIGH, this pin, part of the serial port, is used as a serial data clock input or output, depends upon the logic state of the EXT/INT pin. The active edge where the data SDOUT is updated depends on the logic state of the INVSCLK pin. 23 D[10] DO When SER/PAR is LOW, this output is used as Bit 10 of the Parallel Port Data Output Bus. or SYNC When SER/PAR is HIGH, this output, part of the serial port, is used as a digital output frame synchronization for use with the internal data clock (EXT/INT = Logic LOW). When a read sequence is initiated and INVSYNC is LOW, SYNC is driven HIGH and frames SDOUT. After the first channel is output, SYNC is pulsed LOW. When a read sequence is initiated and INVSYNC is HIGH, SYNC is driven LOW and remains LOW while SDOUT output is valid. After the first channel is output, SYNC is pulsed HIGH. 24 D[11] DO When SER/PAR is LOW, this output is used as Bit 11 of the Parallel Port Data Output Bus. or RDERROR When SER/PAR is HIGH and EXT/INT is HIGH, this output, part of the serial port, is used as an incomplete read error flag. In slave mode, when a data read is started but not complete when the following conversion is complete, the current data is lost and RDERROR is pulsed HIGH. 25 to 28 D[12:15] DO Bit 12 to Bit 15 of the parallel port data output bus. When SER/PAR is HIGH, these outputs are in high impedance. 29 BUSY DO Busy Output. Transitions HIGH when a conversion is started and remains HIGH until the two conversions are complete and the data is latched into the on-chip shift register. The falling edge of BUSY can be used as a data ready clock signal. 30 EOC DO End of Convert Output. Goes LOW at each channel conversion. 31 RD DI Read Data. When CS and RD are both LOW, the interface parallel or serial output bus is enabled. 32 CS DI Chip Select. When CS and RD are both LOW, the interface parallel or serial output bus is enabled. CS is also used to gate the external serial clock. 33 RESET DI Reset Input. When set to a logic HIGH, reset the AD7655-EP. Current conversion, if any, is aborted. If not used, this pin could be tied to DGND. 34 PD DI Power-Down Input. When set to a logic HIGH, power consumption is reduced and conversions are inhibited after the current conversion is completed. Rev. B | Page 9 of 12 Document Outline FEATURES APPLICATIONS GENERAL DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS TABLE OF CONTENTS REVISION HISTORY SPECIFICATIONS TIMING SPECIFICATIONS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ESD CAUTION PIN CONFIGURATIONS AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS OUTLINE DIMENSIONS ORDERING GUIDE