LT1057/LT1058 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(LT1057/LT1058 SW Package Only). The l denotes specifications whichapply over the temperature range of VS = ±15V, VCM = 0V, 0°C ≤ TA ≤ 70°C (LT1057SW, LT1058SW) or –40°C ≤ TA ≤ 85°C(LT1057ISW, LT1058ISW), unless otherwise noted. SYMBOLPARAMETERCONDITIONSMINTYPMAXUNITS VOS Input Offset Voltage LT1057 l 0.5 2.5 mV LT1058S l 0.6 3.0 LT1058IS l 0.7 4.0 Average Temperature Coefficient of l 5 µV/°C Input Offset Voltage lOS Input Offset Current Warmed Up, TA = 70°C 20 250 pA Warmed Up, TA = 85°C 35 400 lB Input Bias Current Warmed Up, TA = 70°C ±60 ±400 pA Warmed Up, TA = 85°C ±100 ±700 AVOL Large-Signal Voltage Gain VO = ±10V, RL = 2k LT1057 l 50 200 mV LT1058 l 40 200 CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio VCM = ±10.5V LT1057 l 80 96 dB LT1058 l 78 96 PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio VS = ±10V to ±18V LT1057 l 84 100 dB LT1058 l 82 100 VOUT Output Voltage Swing RL = 2k l ±12 ±12.8 V The l denotes the specifications which apply over the temperature range of –55°C ≤ TA ≤ 125°C, VS = ±15V, VCM = 0V,unless otherwise noted.LT1057AMLT1057MLT1058AMLT1058MSYMBOL PARAMETERCONDITIONSMINTYPMAXMINTYPMAXUNITS VOS Input Offset Voltage LT1057 l 300 1100 400 2000 μV LT1058 l 380 1600 550 2500 μV Average Temperature Coefficient LT1057 l 2.0 7 2.5 12 μV/°C of Input Offset Voltage LT1058 (Note 5) l 2.5 10 3 15 μV/°C IOS lnput Offset Current Warmed Up, TA = 125°C 0.15 2 0.2 3 nA IB Input Bias Current Warmed Up, TA = 125°C ±0.6 ±4.5 ±0.7 ±6 nA AVOL Large-Signal Voltage Gain VO = ±10V, RL = 2k l 40 120 30 110 V/mV CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio VCM = ±10.4V l 84 97 80 95 dB PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio VS = ±10V to ±17V l 86 100 83 98 dB VOUT Output Voltage Swing RL = 2k l ±12 ±12.7 ±12 ±12.6 V IS Supply Current Per Amplifier TA = 125°C 1.25 1.9 1.3 2.2 mA Note 1: Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings Note 4: Current noise is calculated from the formula: may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to any Absolute in = (2qlb)1/2 Maximum Rating condition for extended periods may affect device where q = 1.6 • 10–19 coulomb. The noise of source resistors up to 1G reliability and lifetime. swamps the contribution of current noise. Note 2: Typical parameters are defined as the 60% yield of distributions of Note 5: This parameter is not 100% tested. individual amplifiers; (i.e., out of 100 LT1058s or, 100 LT1057s, typically Note 6: Gain-bandwidth product is not tested. It is guaranteed by design 240 op amps, or 120 for the LT1057, will be better than the indicated and by inference from the slew rate measurement. specification). Note 3: This parameter is tested on a sample basis only. 10578fd 5 Document Outline FEATURES DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS TYPICAL APPLICATION ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PACKAGE/ORDER INFORMATION ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS APPLICATIONS INFORMATION TYPICAL APPLICATIONS PACKAGE DESCRIPTION TYPICAL APPLICATION RELATED PARTS