LTC6084/LTC6085 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSLarge Signal ResponseLarge Signal ResponseLarge Signal Response 1V/DIV 1V/DIV 1V/DIV 20μs/DIV 20μs/DIV 20μs/DIV VS = 5V V V 60845 G27 S = 5V 60845 G28 S = 5V 60845 G29 AV = –1 AV = 1 AV = –1 RL = 1k RL = ∞ RL = 1k PIN FUNCTIONS OUT: Amplifi er Output. SHDNB: Shutdown Pin of Amplifi er B, active low and only available with the LTC6084DD. An internal current source –IN: Inverting Input. pulls the pin to V+ when fl oating. +IN: Noninverting Input. NC: Not Internally Connected. V+: Positive Supply. Exposed Pad: Connected to V–. V–: Negative Supply. SHDNA: Shutdown Pin of Amplifi er A, active low and only available with the LTC6084DD. An internal current source pulls the pin to V+ when fl oating. 60845fa 9