LTM4630-1 PIN FUNCTIONS (Recommended to Use Test Points to Monitor Signal Pin Connections.)PACKAGE ROW AND COLUMN LABELING MAY VARYVFB1, VFB2 (D5, D7): The Negative Input of the Error Am- AMONG µModule PRODUCTS. REVIEW EACH PACKAGE plifier for Each Channel. Internally, this pin is connected LAYOUT CAREFULLY. to V V OUTS1 or VOUTS2 with a 60.4kΩ precision resistor. OUT1 (A1-A5, B1-B5, C1-C4): Power Output Pins. Apply Different output voltages can be programmed with an ad- output load between these pins and GND pins. Recommend ditional resistor between V placing output decoupling capacitance directly between FB and GND pins. In PolyPhase® operation, tying the V these pins and GND pins. Review Table 4. FB pins together allows for parallel operation. See the Applications Information section for GND (A6-A7, B6-B7, D1-D4, D9-D12, E1-E4, E10-E12, details. Do not drive this pin. F1-F3, F10-F12, G1, G3, G10, G12, H1-H7, H9-H12, J1,TRACK1, TRACK2 (E5, D8): Output Voltage Tracking Pin J5, J8, J12, K1, K5-K8, K12, L1, L12, M1 , M12): Power and Soft-Start Inputs. Each channel has a 1.3µA pull-up Ground Pins for Both Input and Output Returns. current source. When one channel is configured to be VOUT2 (A8-A12, B8-B12, C9-C12): Power Output Pins. master of the two channels, then a capacitor from this pin Apply output load between these pins and GND pins. Rec- to ground will set a soft-start ramp rate. The remaining ommend placing output decoupling capacitance directly channel can be set up as the slave, and have the master’s between these pins and GND pins. Review Table 4. output applied through a voltage divider to the slave out- put’s track pin. This voltage divider is equal to the slave VOUTS1, VOUTS2 (C5, C8): This pin is connected to the top output’s feedback divider for coincidental tracking. See of the internal top feedback resistor for each output. The the Applications Information section. pin can be directly connected to its specific output, or connected to DIFFOUT when the remote sense amplifier COMP1, COMP2 (E6, E7): Current control threshold and is used. In paralleling modules, one of the VOUTS pins is error amplifier compensation point for each channel. The connected to the DIFFOUT pin in remote sensing or directly current comparator threshold increases with this control to VOUT with no remote sensing. It is very important to voltage. COMP pin internal has 10pF filter cap to SGND. connect these pins to either the DIFFOUT or VOUT since An external RC filter circuit is required for control loop this is the feedback path, and cannot be left open. See the compensation. See Applications Information section. Tie Applications Information section. the COMP pins together for parallel operation. Do not drive this pin. fSET (C6): Frequency Set Pin. A 10µA current is sourced from this pin. A resistor from this pin to ground sets a DIFFP (E8): Positive input of the remote sense amplifier. voltage that in turn programs the operating frequency. This pin is connected to the remote sense point of the Alternatively, this pin can be driven with a DC voltage output voltage. See the Applications Information section. that can set the operating frequency. See the Applications DIFFN (E9): Negative input of the remote sense amplifier. Information section. This pin is connected to the remote sense point of the SGND (C7, D6, G6-G7, F6-F7): Signal Ground Pin. Return output GND. See the Applications Information section. ground path for all analog and low power circuitry. Tie a MODE_PLLIN (F4): Force Continuous Mode, Burst Mode single connection to the output capacitor GND in the ap- Operation, or Pulse-Skipping Mode Selection Pin and plication. See layout guidelines in Figure 14. External Synchronization Input to Phase Detector Pin. Connect this pin to SGND to force both channels into force continuous mode of operation. Connect to INTVCC to enable pulse-skipping mode of operation. Leaving the pin floating will enable Burst Mode operation. A clock on the pin will force both channels into continuous mode of operation and synchronized to the external clock applied to this pin. 46301fa 8 For more information Document Outline Description Typical Application Absolute Maximum Ratings Pin Configuration Electrical Characteristics Typical Performance Characteristics Pin Functions Operation Applications Information Package Description Related Parts Features Applications Typical Application Description Absolute Maximum Ratings Order Information Pin Configuration Electrical Characteristics Typical Performance Characteristics Pin Functions Simplified Block Diagram Decoupling Requirements Operation Applications Information Output Total DC Accuracy and AC Transient Performance Applications Information Typical Applications Package Description Revision History Package Photo Design Resources Related Parts