REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE (YR-MO-DA) APPROVED A Sheet 3: Paragraph 1.3, Input common mode voltage range (V 93-04-04 M. A. FRYE CM), delete “VS” and substitute “±VS”. Sheet 5: Table I, Quiescent power supply current test, IQ, conditions column, delete “VS = ±5.0 V” and substitute “VS = ±5.0 V, VOUT = 0 V” and delete “VS = ±15.0 V” and substitute “VS = ±15.0 V, VOUT = 0 V”. Sheet 8: Table I, Settling time test, tS, delete subgroup “9” and substitute subgroup “4”. Table I, Overshoot test, OS, delete subgroup “9” and substitute subgroup “4”. Rise time test, tR, delete subgroups “9, 10, 11” and substitute subgroups “4, 5, 6”. Fall time test, tF, delete subgroups “9, 10, 11” and substitute subgroups “4, 5, 6”. Delete footnote “1/” and substitute “1/ Unless otherwise specified, for dc tests, source resistance (RS) < 100 Ω, load resistance (RL) > 100 kΩ, and VOUT = 0 V”. Sheet 11: Table IIA, group A test requirements, delete “9, 10, 11 (five times). Group B endpoint electrical parameters, delete “9, 10, 11” (two times). Changes in accordance with N.O.R. 5962-R077-93. B Sheet 7: Table I. Slew rate test. Under the “Test” column, delete footnote “7/” 94-05-25 M. A. FRYE entirely. With the symbol of “SR-“ and the condition of “VS = ±15 V”, delete the group A subgroup 4 value of “200 V/µs” and substitute “180 V/µs”. Full power bandwidth test. Under the “Test column, footnote “8/” will be renumbered as footnote “7/”. Sheet 8: Table I. Delete footnote “7/” entirely. Rise time test. Under the “Test” column, footnote “9/” will be renumbered as footnote “8/”. Fall time test. Under the “Test” column, footnote “9/” will be renumbered as footnote “8/”. Footnote “8/” will be renumbered as footnote “7/”. Footnote “9/” will be renumbered as footnote “8/”. Changes in accordance with N.O.R. 5962-R194-94. C Drawing updated to reflect current requirements. - ro 01-09-10 R. MONNIN D Drawing updated as part of 5 year review. -rrp 07-04-18 ROBERT M. HEBER E Drawing updated to reflect current MIL-PRF-38535 requirements. - ro 13-09-12 C. SAFFLE REV SHEET REV SHEET REV STATUS REV E E E E E E E E E E E E OF SHEETS SHEET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PMIC N/A PREPARED BY RICK C. OFFICER DLA LAND AND MARITIMECOLUMBUS, OHIO 43218-3990STANDARD CHECKED BY http://www.landandmaritime.dla.milMICROCIRCUIT CHARLES E. BESORE DRAWING APPROVED BY THIS DRAWING IS AVAILABLE MICHAEL A. FRYE MICROCIRCUIT, LINEAR, HIGH SPEED, LOW FOR USE BY ALL DEPARTMENTS POWER, DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER, AND AGENCIES OF THE DRAWING APPROVAL DATE MONOLITHIC SILICON DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE 92-06-16 REVISION LEVEL SIZE CAGE CODE AMSC N/A 5962-92117 E A 67268 SHEET 1 OF 12 DSCC FORM 2233 APR 97 5962-E402-13 Document Outline DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE SPECIFICATION DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE STANDARDS