link to page 9 link to page 9 link to page 9 ICL7106, ICL7107, ICL7107S aaaafbfbfbgcggecececbddd777SEGMENTSEGMENTSEGMENTDECODEDECODEDECODETYPICAL SEGMENT OUTPUTV+LATCH0.5mATO1000’s100’s10’s1’sSEGMENTCOUNTERCOUNTERCOUNTERCOUNTER8mATO SWITCH DRIVERSDIGITAL GROUNDFROM COMPARATOR OUTPUT1V+V+ CLOCKTEST† 4LOGIC CONTROL37500ΩDIGITAL† THREE INVERTERSGROUND27ONE INVERTER SHOWN FOR CLARITY403938OSC 1OSC 2OSC 3 FIGURE 8. ICL7107 DIGITAL SECTION System Timing INTERNAL TO PART Figure 9 shows the clocking arrangement used in the ICL7106 and ICL7107. Two basic clocking arrangements can be used: 4CLOCK 1. Figure 9A. An external oscillator connected to pin 40. 2. Figure 9B. An R-C oscillator using all three pins. The oscillator frequency is divided by four before it clocks the 403938 decade counters. It is then further divided to form the three convert-cycle phases. These are signal integrate (1000 counts), reference deintegrate (0 to 2000 counts) and auto-zero (1000 to GND ICL7107TEST ICL7106 3000 counts). For signals less than full scale, auto-zero gets the FIGURE 9A. unused portion of reference de-integrate. This makes a complete measure cycle of 4,000 counts (16,000 clock pulses) independent of input voltage. For three readings/second, an oscillator frequency of 48kHz would be used. INTERNAL TO PART To achieve maximum rejection of 60Hz pickup, the signal 4CLOCK integrate cycle should be a multiple of 60Hz. Oscillator frequencies of 240kHz, 120kHz, 80kHz, 60kHz, 48kHz, 40kHz, 331/3kHz, etc., should be selected. For 50Hz rejection, oscillator frequencies of 200kHz, 100kHz, 662/3kHz, 50kHz, 40kHz, etc., 403938 would be suitable. Note that 40kHz (2.5 readings/second) will reject both 50Hz and 60Hz (also 400Hz and 440Hz). RCRC OSCILLATOR FIGURE 9B. FIGURE 9. CLOCK CIRCUITS FN3082 Rev 9.00 Page 9 of 17 October 24, 2014