LTC5583 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSThe l denotes the specifications which apply over the full operatingtemperature range, –40°C to 85°C, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C, VCC = 3.3V, EN = 3.3V. Test circuits are shown inFigures 1 and 2 (Note 2).PARAMETERCONDITIONSMINTYPMAXUNITSfRF = 2700MHz (Single-Ended Inputs) Linear Dynamic Range CW, 50Ω, ±1dB Linearity Error (Note 5) 59 dB l 52 dB RF Input Power Range CW, 50Ω, ±1dB Linearity Error (Note 5) –56 to 3 dBm Output Slope 30.0 mV/dB Logarithmic Intercept (Note 3) –74.9 dBm Deviation from CW Response 12dB Peak to Average Ratio (WiMAX OFDM) 0.6 dB Input A to Input B Isolation Single-Ended Inputs 52 dB lnput A to Output B Isolation Singled-Ended Inputs Frequency Separation = 0Hz 33 dB Input B to Output A Isolation (Notes 6, 7) Frequency separation = 1MHz 45 dB Frequency separation = 10MHz 44 dB Differential Inputs Frequency Separation = 0Hz 50 dB (Notes 6, 7) Frequency separation = 1MHz >55 dB Frequency separation = 10MHz >55 dB fRF = 3600MHz (Differential Inputs) Linear Dynamic Range CW, 50Ω, ±1dB Linearity Error (Note 5) 56 dB l 49 dB RF Input Power Range CW, 50Ω, ±1dB Linearity Error (Note 5) –53 to 3 dBm Output Slope 30.2 mV/dB Logarithmic Intercept (Note 3) –73.1 dBm Deviation from CW Response 12dB Peak to Average Ratio (WiMAX OFDM) 0.4 dB Input A to Input B Isolation Differential Inputs 70 dB lnput A to Output B Isolation Differential Inputs Frequency Separation = 0Hz 47 dB Input B to Output A Isolation (Notes 6, 7) Frequency Separation = 1MHz >55 dB Frequency Separation = 10MHz >55 dB fRF = 5800MHz (Differential Inputs) Linear Dynamic Range CW, 50Ω, ±1dB Linearity Error (Note 5) 49 dB l 44 dB RF Input Power Range CW, 50Ω, ±1dB Linearity Error (Note 5) –44 to 5 dBm Output Slope 31.3 mV/dB Logarithmic Intercept (Note 3) –63.2 dBm Deviation from CW Response 12dB Peak to Average Ratio (WiMAX OFDM) 0.5 dB Input A to Input B Isolation Differential Inputs 50 dB lnput A to Output B Isolation Differential Inputs Frequency Separation = 0Hz 30 dB Input B to Output A Isolation (Notes 6, 7) Frequency Separation = 1MHz 42 dB Frequency Separation = 10MHz 41 dB Output Interface VOA, VOB Output DC Voltage No RF Signal Present 0.45 V Output Impedance 50 Ω IOUT Source/Sink 5/5 mA Rise Time, 10% to 90% 0.5V to 2.2V, fRF = 100MHz, CFLTRA = CFLTRB = 8.2nF 140 ns Fall Time, 90% to 10% 2.2V to 0.5V, fRF = 100MHz, CFLTRA = CFLTRB = 8.2nF 3.5 μs 5583fa 4