LTC5535 UUUPI FU CTIO SRFIN (Pin 1): RF Input Voltage. Referenced to VCC. A VM (Pin 4): Negative Input to Output Amplifier. coupling capacitor must be used to connect to the RF V signal source. The frequency range is 600MHz to 7GHz. OUT (Pin 5): Detector Output. This pin has an internal 500Ω termination, an internal VCC (Pin 6): Power Supply Voltage, 2.7V to 5.5V. VCC should Schottky diode detector and a peak detector capacitor. be bypassed appropriately with ceramic capacitors. GND (Pin 2): Ground. VOS (Pin 3): VOUT Offset Voltage Adjustment. From 0V to 200mV, VOUT does not change. Above 200mV, VOUT will track VOS. WBLOCK DIAGRA RFSOURCE 12pF TO 200pF (DEPENDING ON APPLICATION) VCC 6 OUTPUT VP + AMPLIFIER 5 VOUT – 500Ω 1 RFIN 4 VM 500Ω BIAS RF DET 7.5k AMPLIFIER 5pF + + 3 VOS 7.5k 20k – – 50µA 50µA 20k 200mV GND 2 + 5535 BD 5535f 8