Datasheet MCP47FEBXX (Microchip)
Fabricante | Microchip |
Descripción | 8-/10-/12-Bit Single/Dual Voltage Output Nonvolatile Digital-to-Analog Converters with I²C Interface |
Páginas / Página | 102 / 1 — MCP47FEBXX. 8-/10-/12-Bit Single/Dual Voltage Output Nonvolatile. … |
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MCP47FEBXX. 8-/10-/12-Bit Single/Dual Voltage Output Nonvolatile. Digital-to-Analog Converters with I²C™ Interface. Features
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MCP47FEBXX 8-/10-/12-Bit Single/Dual Voltage Output Nonvolatile Digital-to-Analog Converters with I²C™ Interface Features Package Types
• Operating Voltage Range:
- 2.7V to 5.5V - Full Specifications TSSOP - 1.8V to 2.7V - Reduced Device Specifications Single • Output Voltage Resolutions: VDD 1 8 SDA - 8-bit:
(256 Steps) VREF0 2 7 SCL - 10-bit:
(1024 Steps) VOUT0 3 6 LAT0/HVC - 12-bit:
(4096 Steps) NC 4 5 VSS • Rail-to-Rail Output • Fast Settling Time of 6 µs (typical)
• DAC Voltage Reference Source Options: TSSOP - Device V Dual DD - Externa l VREF pin (buffered or unbuffered) VDD 1 8 SDA - Internal Band Gap (1.22V typical) V
REF 2 7 SCL • Output Gain Options: V 3 6 LAT
/HVC - Unity (1x) OUT0 V 4 5 V - 2x (when not using internal V OUT1 SS DD as voltage source)
Note 1:
This pin’s signal can be connected to DAC0 • Nonvolatile Memory (EEPROM): and/or DAC1. - User-programmed Power-on Reset (POR)/Brown-out Reset (BOR) output setting
General Description
recall and device configuration bits - Auto Recall of Saved DAC register setting The MCP47FEBXX are Single- and Dual-channel 8-bit, - Auto Recall of Saved Device Configuration 10-bit, and 12-bit buffered voltage output Digital-to- (Voltage Reference, Gain, Power-Down) Analog Converters (DAC) with nonvolatile memory and an I2C serial interface. • Power-on/Brown-out Reset Protection • Nonvolatile Memory Write Protect (WP) Bit The VREF pin, the device VDD or the internal band gap voltage can be selected as the DAC’s reference • Power-Down Modes: voltage. When VDD is selected, VDD is connected - Disconnects output buffer (High Impedance) internally to the DAC reference circuit. When the VREF - Selection of VOUT pull-down resistors pin is used, the user can select the output buffer’s gain (100 k or 1 k) to be 1 or 2. When the gain is 2, the VREF pin voltage • Low Power Consumption: should be limited to a maximum of VDD/2. - Normal operation: <180 µA (Single), 380 µA These devices have a two-wire I2C-compatible serial (Dual) interface for Standard (100 kHz), Fast (400 kHz) or - Power-down operation: 650 nA typical High-Speed (1.7 MHz and 3.4 MHz) modes. - EEPROM write cycle (1.9 mA maximum) • I2C™ Interface:
- Slave address options: four predefined • Set Point or Offset Trimming addresses or user programmable (all 7 bits) • Sensor Calibration - Standard (100 kbps), Fast (400 kbps), and • Low-Power Portable Instrumentation High-Speed (up to 3.4 Mbps) modes • PC Peripherals • Package Types: 8-lead TSSOP • Data Acquisition Systems • Extended Temperature Range: -40°C to +125°C • Motor Control 2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS20005375A-page 1 Document Outline 8-/10-/12-Bit Single/Dual Voltage Output Nonvolatile Digital-to-Analog Converters with I²C™ Interface Features Package Types General Description Applications MCP47FEBX1 Device Block Diagram (Single-Channel Output) MCP47FEBX2 Device Block Diagram (Dual-Channel Output) Device Features 1.0 Electrical Characteristics Absolute Maximum Ratings (†) DC Characteristics DC Notes: 1.1 Timing Waveforms and Requirements FIGURE 1-1: VOUT Settling Time Waveforms. TABLE 1-1: Wiper Settling Timing 1.2 I²C Mode Timing Waveforms and Requirements FIGURE 1-2: Power-on and Brown-out Reset Waveforms. FIGURE 1-3: I²C™ Power-Down Command Timing. TABLE 1-2: RESET Timing FIGURE 1-4: I²C™ Bus Start/Stop Bits Timing Waveforms. FIGURE 1-5: I²C™ Bus Start/Stop Bits Timing Waveforms. TABLE 1-3: I²C Bus Start/Stop Bits and LAT Requirements FIGURE 1-6: I²C™ Bus Timing Waveforms. TABLE 1-4: I²C Bus Requirements (Slave Mode) TABLE 1-5: I²C Bus Requirements (Slave Mode) Timing Table Notes: Temperature Specifications 2.0 Typical Performance Curves 3.0 Pin Descriptions TABLE 3-1: MCP47FEBX1 (Single-DAC) Pinout Description TABLE 3-2: MCP47FEBX2 (Dual-DAC) Pinout Description 3.1 Positive Power Supply Input (VDD) 3.2 Voltage Reference Pin (VREF) 3.3 Analog Output Voltage Pin (VOUT) 3.4 No Connect (NC) 3.5 Ground (VSS) 3.6 Latch Pin (LAT)/High-Voltage Command (HVC) 3.7 I²C - Serial Clock Pin (SCL) 3.8 I²C - Serial Data Pin (SDA) 4.0 General Description 4.1 Power-on Reset/Brown-out Reset (POR/BOR) FIGURE 4-1: Power-on Reset Operation. 4.2 Device Memory TABLE 4-1: Memory Map (x16) TABLE 4-2: Factory Default POR / BOR Values TABLE 4-3: SALCK Functional Description TABLE 4-4: WiperLock Technology Configuration Bits Functional Description Register 4-1: DAC0 and DAC1 Registers (Volatile and Nonvolatile) Register 4-2: Voltage Reference (VREF) Control Register (Volatile and Nonvolatile) (Addresses 08h and 18h) Register 4-3: Power-down Control Register (Volatile and Nonvolatile) (Addresses 09h, 19h) Register 4-4: Gain Control and System Status Register (Volatile) (Address 0Ah) Register 4-5: Gain Control and Slave Address Register (Nonvolatile) (Address 1AH) Register 4-6: DAC Wiperlock Technology Status Register (Volatile) (Address 0Bh) 5.0 DAC Circuitry FIGURE 5-1: MCP47FEBXX DAC Module Block Diagram. 5.1 Resistor Ladder FIGURE 5-2: Resistor Ladder Model Block Diagram. 5.2 Voltage Reference Selection FIGURE 5-3: Resistor Ladder Reference Voltage Selection Block Diagram. FIGURE 5-4: Reference Voltage Selection Implementation Block Diagram. 5.3 Output Buffer/VOUT Operation FIGURE 5-5: Output Driver Block Diagram. TABLE 5-1: Output Driver Gain TABLE 5-2: Theoretical Step Voltage (VS) (1) FIGURE 5-6: VOUT pin Slew Rate. FIGURE 5-7: Circuit to Stabilize Output Buffer for Large Capacitive Loads (CL). TABLE 5-3: DAC Input Code Vs. Calculated Analog Output (VOUT) (VDD = 5.0V) 5.4 Internal Band Gap TABLE 5-4: VOUT Using Band Gap 5.5 Latch Pin (LAT) FIGURE 5-8: LAT and DAC Interaction. FIGURE 5-9: Example use of LAT pin operation. 5.6 Power-Down Operation FIGURE 5-10: VOUT Power-Down Block Diagram. TABLE 5-5: Power-down bits and Output resistive load TABLE 5-6: DAC Current Sources 5.7 DAC Registers, Configuration Bits, and Status Bits 6.0 I²C Serial Interface Module FIGURE 6-1: Typical I2C Interface. 6.1 Overview 6.2 Interface Pins (SCL and SDA) 6.3 Communication Data Rates 6.4 POR/BOR 6.5 Device Memory Address 6.6 General Call Commands 6.7 Multi-Master Systems 6.8 Device I²C Slave Addressing FIGURE 6-2: Slave Address Bits in the I²C Control Byte. TABLE 6-1: I²C Address/Order Code 6.9 Entering High-Speed (HS) Mode FIGURE 6-3: HS Mode Sequence. 7.0 Device Commands TABLE 7-1: Device Commands - Number of Clocks 7.1 Write Command (Normal and High-Voltage) FIGURE 7-1: Write Random Address Command (Volatile and Nonvolatile Memory). FIGURE 7-2: I2C ACK / NACK Behavior (Write Command Example). FIGURE 7-3: Continuous Write Commands (Volatile Memory Only). 7.2 Read Command (Normal and High-Voltage) FIGURE 7-4: Read Command - Single Memory Address. FIGURE 7-5: Read Command - Last Memory Address Accessed. FIGURE 7-6: I2C ACK/NACK Behavior (Read Command Example). FIGURE 7-7: Continuous Read Command Of Specified Address. 7.3 General Call Commands FIGURE 7-8: General Call Formats. FIGURE 7-9: General Call Reset Command. FIGURE 7-10: General Call Wake-Up Command. 7.4 Modify Device Configuration Bit Commands 7.5 Enable Configuration Bit (High-Voltage) FIGURE 7-11: I2C Enable Command Sequence. 7.6 Disable Configuration Bit (High-Voltage) FIGURE 7-12: I2C Disable Command Sequence. FIGURE 7-13: Configuring All User Configuration Bits Command Sequence (MCP47FEBX1). FIGURE 7-14: Configuring All User Configuration Bits Command Sequence (MCP47FEBX2). 8.0 Typical Applications 8.1 Connecting to I²C BUS using Pull-Up Resistors FIGURE 8-1: I²C Bus Connection Test. 8.2 Power Supply Considerations FIGURE 8-2: Example Circuit. 8.3 Application Examples FIGURE 8-3: Example Circuit Of Set Point or Threshold Calibration. FIGURE 8-4: Single-Supply “Window” DAC. 8.4 Bipolar Operation FIGURE 8-5: Digitally-Controlled Bipolar Voltage Source Example Circuit. 8.5 Selectable Gain and Offset Bipolar Voltage Output FIGURE 8-6: Bipolar Voltage Source with Selectable Gain and Offset. 8.6 Designing a Double-Precision DAC FIGURE 8-7: Simple Double Precision DAC using MCP47FEBX2. 8.7 Building Programmable Current Source FIGURE 8-8: Digitally-Controlled Current Source. 8.8 Serial Interface Communication Times TABLE 8-1: Serial Interface Times / Frequencies 8.9 Software I²C Interface Reset Sequence FIGURE 8-9: Software Reset Sequence Format. 8.10 Design Considerations FIGURE 8-10: Typical Microcontroller Connections. TABLE 8-2: Package Footprint 9.0 Development Support 9.1 Development Tools 9.2 Technical Documentation TABLE 9-1: Development Tools TABLE 9-2: Technical Documentation FIGURE 9-1: MCP47FEBXX Evaluation Board Circuit Using TSSOP20EV. 10.0 Packaging Information 10.1 Package Marking Information Appendix A: Revision History Appendix B: I²C Serial Interface FIGURE B-1: Typical I²C Interface. B.1 Overview B.2 Signal Descriptions B.3 I²C Operation FIGURE B-2: Start Bit. FIGURE B-3: Data Bit. FIGURE B-4: Acknowledge Waveform. FIGURE B-5: Repeat Start Condition Waveform. FIGURE B-6: Stop Condition Receive or Transmit Mode. FIGURE B-7: Typical 8-Bit I²C Waveform Format. FIGURE B-8: I²C Data States and Bit Sequence. FIGURE B-9: I²C Slave Address Control Byte. FIGURE B-10: HS Mode Sequence. FIGURE B-11: General Call Formats. Appendix C: Terminology C.1 Resolution C.2 Least Significant Bit (LSb) C.3 Monotonic Operation FIGURE C-1: VW (VOUT). C.4 Full-Scale Error (EFS) C.5 Zero-Scale Error (EZS) C.6 Total Unadjusted Error (ET) C.7 Offset Error (EOS) FIGURE C-2: Offset Error (Zero Gain Error). C.8 Offset Error Drift (EOSD) C.9 Gain Error (EG) FIGURE C-3: Gain Error and Full-Scale Error Example. C.10 Gain-Error Drift (EGD) C.11 Integral Nonlinearity (INL) FIGURE C-4: INL Accuracy. C.12 Differential Nonlinearity (DNL) FIGURE C-5: DNL Accuracy. C.13 Settling Time C.14 Major-Code Transition Glitch C.15 Digital Feed-through C.16 -3 dB Bandwidth C.17 Power-Supply Sensitivity (PSS) C.18 Power-Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR) C.19 VOUT Temperature Coefficient C.20 Absolute Temperature Coefficient C.21 Noise Spectral Density Product Identification System Trademarks Worldwide Sales and Service