link to page 16 link to page 16 AD7191PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONSMCLK1 124ODR2MCLK2 223DOUT/RDYSCLK 322ODR1PDOWN 421DVAD7191DDTOP VIEWCLKSEL 520AVDD(Not to Scale)PGA2 619DGNDPGA1 718AGND8CHAN17BPDSWTEMP 916REFIN(–)NC 1015REFIN(+)AIN1 1114AIN4AIN2 1213AIN3 04 0 3- NC = NO CONNECT 16 08 Figure 4. Pin Configuration Table 4. Pin Function Descriptions Pin No.MnemonicDescription 1 MCLK1 When the master clock for the device is provided externally by a crystal, the crystal is connected between MCLK1 and MCLK2. Alternatively, the MCLK1 pin can be driven with a CMOS-compatible clock and MCLK2 left unconnected. 2 MCLK2 When the master clock for the device is provided externally by a crystal, the crystal is connected between MCLK1 and MCLK2. 3 SCLK Serial Clock Input. This serial clock input is for controlling data transfers from the ADC. The SCLK has a Schmitt-triggered input, making the interface suitable for opto-isolated applications. The serial clock can be continuous with all data transmitted in a continuous train of pulses. Alternatively, it can be a non- continuous clock with the information transmitted to or from the ADC in smaller batches of data. 4 PDOWN Power-Down Pin, Digital Input. The PDOWN pin functions as a power-down pin and a reset pin. When PDOWN is taken high, the AD7191 is powered down and the DOUT/RDY pin is tristated. The circuitry and serial interface are also reset. This resets the logic, the digital filter, and the analog modulator. PDOWN must be held high for 100 ns minimum to initiate the reset function. 5 CLKSEL Clock Select, Digital Input Pin. This pin selects the clock source to be used by the AD7191. When CLKSEL is tied low, the external clock/crystal is used as the clock source. When CLKSEL is tied high, the internal 4.92 MHz clock is used as the clock source to the AD7191. 6 PGA2 Gain Select, Digital Input Pin. This pin is used in conjunction with PGA1 to set the gain. See Table 7. 7 PGA1 Gain Select, Digital Input Pin. This pin is used in conjunction with PGA2 to set the gain. See Table 7. 8 CHAN Channel Select, Digital Input Pin. This pin is used to select the channel. When CHAN is tied low, channel AIN1/AIN2 is selected. When CHAN is tied high, channel AIN3/AIN4 is selected. 9 TEMP Temperature Sensor Select, Digital Input Pin. The internal temperature sensor is selected when TEMP is tied high. When TEMP is tied low, the analog input channel AIN1/AIN2 or AIN3/AIN4 is the selected channel (as determined by the CHAN pin). 10 NC No Connect. This pin should be tied to AGND. 11 AIN1 Analog Input. AIN1 is the positive input of the fully differential input pair AIN1/AIN2. 12 AIN2 Analog Input. AIN2 is the negative input of the fully differential input pair AIN1/AIN2. 13 AIN3 Analog Input. AIN3 is the positive input of the fully differential input pair AIN3/AIN4. 14 AIN4 Analog Input. AIN4 is the negative input of the fully differential input pair AIN3/AIN4. 15 REFIN(+) Positive Reference Input. An external reference can be applied between REFIN(+) and REFIN(−). REFIN(+) can lie anywhere between AVDD and AGND + 1 V. The nominal reference voltage, (REFIN(+) − REFIN(−)), is AVDD, but the part functions with a reference from 1 V to AVDD. 16 REFIN(−) Negative Reference Input. This reference input can lie anywhere between AGND and AVDD − 1 V. 17 BPDSW Bridge Power-Down Switch to AGND. When PDOWN is low, the bridge power-down switch is closed. When PDOWN is high, the bridge power-down switch is opened. 18 AGND Analog Ground Reference Point. 19 DGND Digital Ground Reference Point. Rev. A | Page 8 of 20 Document Outline FEATURES INTERFACE APPLICATIONS GENERAL DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM TABLE OF CONTENTS REVISION HISTORY SPECIFICATIONS TIMING CHARACTERISTICS TIMING DIAGRAM ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ESD CAUTION PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS RMS NOISE AND RESOLUTION SPECIFICATIONS ADC CIRCUIT INFORMATION OVERVIEW FILTER, DATA RATE, AND SETTLING TIME GAIN ANALOG INPUT CHANNELS TEMPERATURE SENSOR POWER-DOWN (PDOWN) CLOCK BIPOLAR CONFIGURATION DATA OUTPUT CODING BRIDGE POWER-DOWN SWITCH REFERENCE DIGITAL INTERFACE GROUNDING AND LAYOUT APPLICATIONS INFORMATION WEIGH SCALES EMI RECOMMENDATIONS OUTLINE DIMENSIONS ORDERING GUIDE