Datasheet AD7656A-1 (Analog Devices) - 10

FabricanteAnalog Devices
Descripción250 kSPS, 6-Channel, Simultaneous Sampling, Bipolar, 16-Bit ADC
Páginas / Página29 / 10 — Data Sheet. AD7656A-1. Pin No. Mnemonic. Description1
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Data Sheet. AD7656A-1. Pin No. Mnemonic. Description1

Data Sheet AD7656A-1 Pin No Mnemonic Description1

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Data Sheet AD7656A-1 Pin No. Mnemonic Description1
27 RANGE Analog Input Range Selection. Logic input. The logic level on this pin determines the input range of the analog input channels. When this pin is Logic 1 at the falling edge of BUSY, the range for the next conversion is ±2 × VREF. When this pin is Logic 0 at the falling edge of BUSY, the range for the next conversion is ±4 × VREF. In hardware select mode, the RANGE pin is checked on the falling edge of BUSY. In software mode (H/S SEL = 1), the RANGE pin can be tied to DGND, and the input range is determined by the RNGA, RNGB, and RNGC bits in the control register (see Table 9). 28 RESET Reset Input. When set to logic high, this pin resets the AD7656A-1. In software mode, the current conversion is aborted, and the internal register is set to all 0s. In hardware mode, the AD7656A-1 is configured depending on the logic levels on the hardware select pins. In all modes, the AD7656A-1 should receive a RESET pulse after power-up. The RESET high pulse should be typically 100 ns wide. The CONVST x pin may be held high during the RESET pulse. However, if the CONVST x pin is held low during the RESET pulse, after the RESET pulse, the AD7656A-1 needs to receive a complete CONVST x pulse to initiate the first conversion; this consists of a high-to-low CONVST x edge followed by a low- to-high CONVST x edge. In hardware mode, the user can initiate a RESET pulse between conversion cycles, that is, a 100 ns RESET pulse can be applied to the device after BUSY has transitioned from high to low and the data has been read. The RESET can then be issued prior to the next complete CONVST x pulse. Ensure that in such a case, RESET has returned to logic low prior to the next complete CONVST x pulse. 29 W/B Word/Byte Input. When this pin is logic low, data can be transferred to and from the AD7656A-1 using the parallel data lines DB15 to DB0. When this pin is logic high and the parallel interface is selected, byte mode is enabled. In this mode, data is transferred using the DB15 to DB8 data lines, and DB7 functions as HBEN. To obtain the 16-bit conversion result, 2-byte reads are required. When the serial interface is selected, tie this pin to DGND. 30 VSS Negative Power Supply Voltage. This is the negative supply voltage for the analog input section. 31 VDD Positive Power Supply Voltage. This is the positive supply voltage for the analog input section. 32, 37, 38, 43, AGND Analog Ground. This pin is the ground reference point for all analog circuitry on the AD7656A-1. Refer 44, 49, 52, 53, all analog input signals and external reference signals to this pin. Connect all AGND pins to the 55, 57, 59 AGND plane of the system. The AGND and DGND voltages should ideally be at the same potential and must not be more than 0.3 V apart, even on a transient basis. 33, 36, 39, V1 to V6 Analog Input 1 to Analog Input 6. These pins are single-ended analog inputs. In hardware mode, 42, 45, 48 the analog input range of these channels is determined by the RANGE pin. In software mode, it is determined by the RNGC to RNGA bits of the control register (see Table 9). 34, 35, 40, AVCC Analog Supply Voltage, 4.75 V to 5.25 V. This is the supply voltage for the ADC cores. The AVCC and 41, 46, 47, DVCC voltages should ideally be at the same potential and must not be more than 0.3 V apart, even 50, 60 on a transient basis. 51 REFIN/REFOUT Reference Input/Reference Output. The on-chip reference is available via this pin. Alternatively, the internal reference can be disabled, and an external reference can be applied to this input. See the Internal/External Reference section. When the internal reference is enabled, decouple this pin using at least a 1 µF decoupling capacitor. 54, 56, 58 REFCAPA, REFCAPB, Reference Capacitor A, Reference Capacitor B, and Reference Capacitor C. Decoupling capacitors are REFCAPC connected to these pins to decouple the reference buffer for each ADC pair. Decouple each REFCAP x pin to AGND using a 1 µF capacitor. 61 SER/PAR SEL Serial/Paral el Selection Input. When this pin is low, the paral el interface is selected. When this pin is high, the serial interface is selected. When the serial interface is selected, DB10 to DB8 function as DOUT C to DOUT A, DB0 to DB2 function as DOUT x, and DB7 functions as DCEN. When the serial interface is selected, tie DB15 and DB13 to DB11 to DGND. 62 H/S SEL Hardware/Software Select Input. Logic input. When H/S SEL = 0, the AD7656A-1 is operated in hardware select mode, and the ADC pairs to be simultaneously sampled are selected by the CONVST pins. When H/S SEL = 1, the ADC pairs to be sampled simultaneously are selected by writing to the control register. When the serial interface is selected, CONVST A is used to initiate conversions on the selected ADC pairs. 63 WR/REFEN/D IS Write Data/Reference Enable and Disable. When the H/S SEL pin is high and both CS and WR are logic low, DB15 to DB8 are used to write data to the internal control register. When the H/S SEL pin is low, this pin is used to enable or disable the internal reference. When H/S SEL = 0 and REFEN/DIS = 0, the internal reference is disabled and an external reference should be applied to the REFIN/REFOUT pin. When H/S SEL = 0 and REFEN/DIS = 1, the internal reference is enabled and the REFIN/REFOUT pin should be decoupled. See the Internal/External Reference section. 1 Multifunction pin names may be referenced by their relevant function only. Rev. 0 | Page 9 of 28 Document Outline FEATURES APPLICATIONS FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS TABLE OF CONTENTS REVISION HISTORY SPECIFICATIONS TIMING SPECIFICATIONS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS POWER SUPPLY SEQUENCING THERMAL RESISTANCE ESD CAUTION PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS TERMINOLOGY THEORY OF OPERATION CONVERTER DETAILS Track-and-Hold Amplifiers Analog Input ADC TRANSFER FUNCTION INTERNAL/EXTERNAL REFERENCE TYPICAL CONNECTION DIAGRAM DRIVING THE ANALOG INPUTS INTERFACE OPTIONS Parallel Interface (SER/PAR/SEL = 0) SOFTWARE SELECTION OF ADCS Changing the Analog Input Range (H/S SEL = 0) Changing the Analog Input Range (H/S SEL = 1) Serial Interface (SER/PAR/SEL = 1) SERIAL READ OPERATION DAISY-CHAIN MODE (DCEN = 1, SER/PAR/SEL = 1) Standby/Partial Power-Down Modes of Operation(SER/PAR/SEL = 0 or SER/PAR/SEL = 1) APPLICATION HINTS LAYOUT OUTLINE DIMENSIONS ORDERING GUIDE