Datasheet LTC2344-18 (Analog Devices) - 9

FabricanteAnalog Devices
DescripciónQuad, 18-Bit, 400ksps/ch Differential SoftSpan ADC with Wide Input Common Mode Range
Páginas / Página40 / 9 — TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS. TA = 25°C, VDD = 5V, OVDD = 2.5V, …
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TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS TA = 25°C, VDD = 5V, OVDD = 2.5V, Internal Reference and Buffer (VREFBUF  = 4.096V), fSMPL = 400ksps, unless otherwise noted. Integral Nonlinearity Differential Nonlinearity Integral Nonlinearity vs Output Code and Channel vs Output Code and Channel vs Output Code and Range
2.0 1.00 2.0 ±4.096V RANGE ALL RANGES BIPOLAR DRIVE (IN– = 2.5V) 1.5 FULLY DIFFERENTIAL DRIVE (IN– = –IN+) ALL CHANNELS 0.75 1.5 ONE CHANNEL ALL CHANNELS 1.0 0.50 1.0 ±2.048V AND ±2V 0.5 0.25 0.5 RANGES 0 0 0 –0.5 –0.25 –0.5 INL ERROR (LSB) DNL ERROR (LSB) INL ERROR (LSB) –1.0 –0.50 –1.0 –1.5 –0.75 –1.5 –2.0 –1.00 –2.0 –131072 –65536 0 65536 131072 0 65536 131072 196608 262144 –131072 –65536 0 65536 131072 OUTPUT CODE OUTPUT CODE OUTPUT CODE 234418 G01 234418 G02 234418 G03
Integral Nonlinearity Integral Nonlinearity Integral Nonlinearity vs Output Code and Range vs Output Code and Range vs Output Code
4.0 4.0 2.0 FULLY DIFFERENTIAL DRIVE (IN– = –IN+) UNIPOLAR DRIVE (IN– = 0V) ±4.096V RANGE 3.0 ONE CHANNEL ONE CHANNEL 3.0 1.5 ARBITRARY DRIVE 2.0 2.0 0V TO 2.048V RANGE 1.0 IN+/IN– COMMON MODE ±2.048V AND ±2V SWEPT 0V TO 5V 1.0 RANGES 1.0 0.5 0 0 0 –1.0 ±4.096V AND ±4V –1.0 0V TO 4.096V AND 0V TO 4V RANGES –0.5 INL ERROR (LSB) RANGES INL ERROR (LSB) INL ERROR (LSB) –2.0 –2.0 –1.0 –3.0 –3.0 –1.5 FULLY DIFFERENTIAL DRIVE (IN– = –IN+) –4.0 –4.0 –2.0 –131072 –65536 0 65536 131072 0 65536 131072 196608 262144 –131072 –65536 0 65536 131072 OUTPUT CODE OUTPUT CODE OUTPUT CODE 234418 G04 234418 G05 234418 G06
32k Point FFT fSMPL = 400kHz, DC Histogram (Zero-Scale) DC Histogram (Near Full-Scale) fIN = 2kHz
80000 80000 0 ±4.096V RANGE ±4.096V RANGE ±4.096V RANGE σ = 1.5 σ = 1.6 –20 σ = 2.2 FULLY DIFFERENTIAL DRIVE (IN– = –IN+) SNR = 95.3dB 60000 –40 60000 THD = –112dB –60 SINAD = 95.2dB SFDR = 114dB –80 40000 40000 COUNTS –100 COUNTS –120 AMPLITUDE (dBFS) 20000 20000 –140 –160 0 0 –180 –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 10 131052 131056 131060 131064 131068 131072 0 40 80 120 160 200 CODE CODE FREQUENCY (kHz) 234418 G07 234418 G08 234418 G09 234418f For more information 9 Document Outline Features Applications Typical Application Description Absolute Maximum Ratings Order Information Pin Configuration Electrical Characteristics Converter Characteristics Dynamic Accuracy Internal Reference Characteristics Reference Buffer Characteristics Digital Inputs and Digital Outputs Power Requirements ADC Timing Characteristics Typical Performance Characteristics Pin Functions Configuration Tables Functional Block Diagram Timing Diagram Applications Information Board Layout Package Description Typical Application Related Parts