Datasheet Texas Instruments ULN2003V12DR — Ficha de datos

FabricanteTexas Instruments
Numero de parteULN2003V12DR
Datasheet Texas Instruments ULN2003V12DR

Controlador de relé de 7 canales de baja potencia 16-SOIC -40 a 125

Hojas de datos

ULN2003V12 7-Channel Relay and Inductive Load Sink Driver datasheet
PDF, 920 Kb, Revisión: C, Archivo publicado: nov 18, 2016
Extracto del documento



Estado del ciclo de vidaActivo (Recomendado para nuevos diseños)
Disponibilidad de muestra del fabricante


Package TypeD
Industry STD TermSOIC
Package QTY2500
CarrierLARGE T&R
Device MarkingU2003V12
Width (mm)3.91
Length (mm)9.9
Thickness (mm)1.58
Pitch (mm)1.27
Max Height (mm)1.75
Mechanical DataDescargar


Delay Time(Typ)80 ns
Drivers Per Package7
Input CompatibilityCMOS
Iout/ch(Max)140 mA
Iout_off(Typ)0.5 uA
Output Voltage(Max)16 V
Package GroupSOIC
Package Size: mm2:W x L16SOIC: 59 mm2: 6 x 9.9(SOIC) PKG
Peak Output Current1000 mA
Switching Voltage(Max)16 V
Vol@Lowest Spec Current(Typ)600 mV

Plan ecológico


Notas de aplicación

  • Improved Thermal Dissipation and Energy Efficiency for Peripheral Driving
    PDF, 330 Kb, Archivo publicado: oct 30, 2014
  • Stepper Motor Driving with Peripheral Drivers (Rev. A)
    PDF, 172 Kb, Revisión: A, Archivo publicado: dic 2, 2016
    This application report describes in detail how to interface stepper motors with TI peripheral drivers. Primarily, this report discusses how to connect and drive stepper motors, including the stepper motor driving patterns. Advantages and disadvantages to each stepping pattern are discussed; and logic tables, timing diagrams, and pictorial representations of each driving pattern are provided.

Linea modelo

Serie: ULN2003V12 (2)

Clasificación del fabricante

  • Semiconductors > Power Management > Peripheral Driver and Actuator
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