Datasheet Texas Instruments TPIC9201PWP — Ficha de datos
Fabricante | Texas Instruments |
Serie | TPIC9201 |
Numero de parte | TPIC9201PWP |
Fuente de alimentación del microcontrolador y controlador de lado bajo 20-HTSSOP -40 a 125
Hojas de datos
Microcontroller Power Supply and Multiple Low-Side Driver datasheet
PDF, 685 Kb, Revisión: D, Archivo publicado: feb 13, 2008
Extracto del documento
Estado del ciclo de vida | NRND (No recomendado para nuevos diseños) |
Disponibilidad de muestra del fabricante | No |
Pin | 20 |
Package Type | PWP |
Industry STD Term | HTSSOP |
Package QTY | 70 |
Carrier | TUBE |
Device Marking | IC9201 |
Width (mm) | 4.4 |
Length (mm) | 6.5 |
Thickness (mm) | 1 |
Pitch (mm) | .65 |
Max Height (mm) | 1.2 |
Mechanical Data | Descargar |
Plan ecológico
RoHS | Obediente |
Notas de aplicación
- Stepper Motor Driving with Peripheral Drivers (Rev. A)PDF, 172 Kb, Revisión: A, Archivo publicado: dic 2, 2016
This application report describes in detail how to interface stepper motors with TI peripheral drivers. Primarily, this report discusses how to connect and drive stepper motors, including the stepper motor driving patterns. Advantages and disadvantages to each stepping pattern are discussed; and logic tables, timing diagrams, and pictorial representations of each driving pattern are provided.
Linea modelo
Serie: TPIC9201 (2)
Clasificación del fabricante
- Semiconductors > Power Management > Peripheral Driver and Actuator