Datasheet Intersil ISL9238HRTZ — Ficha de datos

Numero de parteISL9238HRTZ

Cargador de batería VDC estrecho Buck-Boost con interfaz SMBus y USB OTG

Hojas de datos

ISL9238 Datasheet
PDF, 2.6 Mb, Revisión: 04-10-2017
Extracto del documento



Package32 Ld TQFN


Audible NoiseNo
Automatic Power Source SelectionYes
Battery Charge Voltage (V)2.4 to 18.304
Battery Charge Voltage Adjust (%)8mV steps
Battery ChemistryMulti-Cell Li+/Polymer
Charge Current Limit Accuracy (%)В±3
Charging Voltage Accuracy Max (%)В±0.5
DC Adapter DetectionYes
DescriptionBuck-Boost Narrow VDC Battery Charger with SMBus Interface and USB OTG
Max Duty Cycle (%)100
Operating Temperature Range-40 to 100
Peak Temp260°C
Qualification LevelStandard
Switching Frequency (typ) (kHz)733 or 1000
Thermal Shutdown (В°C)150 °C
TopologyR3 modulator
Trickle Charge Current Limit Accuracy (%)64mA, 128mA, 256mA, or 512mA
VIN (max) (V)23.4
VIN (min) (V)3.2

Plan ecológico


Linea modelo

Clasificación del fabricante

  • Power Management > Battery Management Systems > Multiple Cell Battery Chargers