Datasheet Linear Technology LTC4261IGN-2#TRPBF — Ficha de datos
Fabricante | Linear Technology |
Serie | LTC4261 |
Numero de parte | LTC4261IGN-2#TRPBF |
Controladores de intercambio en caliente de voltaje negativo con monitoreo ADC y IВІC
Hojas de datos
LTC4261/LTC4261-2 - Negative Voltage Hot Swap Controller with ADC and I2C Monitoring
PDF, 344 Kb, Revisión: D, Archivo subido: oct 25, 2017
Extracto del documento
Package | SSOP-28 |
Package Code | GN |
Package Index | 05-08-1641 (GN28) |
ADC | 10-bit |
Active Limiting | yes |
Circuit Breaker Accuracy | 10 % |
Circuit Breaker Threshold | 50mV |
Circuit Breakers | 1 |
Demo Boards | DC998A |
Design Tools | LTspice File,Linduino File |
Export Control | no |
Fault Output | yes |
Features | 10-bit ADC, Digital Interface |
Foldback | no |
In-Rush Current | Active/SS |
Isupply | 2 mA |
OV | yes |
Operating Temperature Range | -40 to 85 °C |
Power Good Output | yes |
Reset Output | no |
Sequencing | no |
UV | yes |
Vin Range | -12V to -100V |
Plan ecológico
RoHS | Obediente |
Notas de Diseño
- AdvancedTCA Hot Swap Controller Monitors Power Distribution &mdash DN397PDF, 117 Kb, Archivo publicado: agosto 31, 2006Extracto del documento
- Negative Voltage Hot Swap Controller with 10-Bit ADC and I2C Monitoring &mdash LT JournalPDF, 324 Kb, Archivo publicado: marzo 28, 2006Extracto del documento
Linea modelo
Serie: LTC4261 (16)
Clasificación del fabricante
- Monitor, Control and Protection > Hot Swap Controllers > High Voltage Hot Swap Controllers
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