Datasheet Linear Technology LTC3874IUFD#PBF — Ficha de datos
Fabricante | Linear Technology |
Serie | LTC3874 |
Numero de parte | LTC3874IUFD#PBF |
Controlador esclavo síncrono reductor PolyPhase con detección DCR de sub milliohmios
Hojas de datos
Datasheet LTC3874
PDF, 919 Kb, Idioma: en, Archivo subido: sept 24, 2017, Páginas: 30
PolyPhase Step-Down Synchronous Slave Controller with Sub-Milliohm DCR Sensing
PolyPhase Step-Down Synchronous Slave Controller with Sub-Milliohm DCR Sensing
Extracto del documento
Package | 4x5 QFN-28 |
Package Code | UFD |
Package Index | 05-08-1712 |
Architecture | Constant Frequency Current Mode |
Demo Boards | DC2142A,DC2229A-B,DC2084A |
Design Tools | LTspice File,LTpowerCAD File |
Export Control | no |
Features | Sub-Milliohm DCR Current Sense, External Synchronization, PolyPhase |
Frequency | 1000 kHz |
Frequency Sync Range | 250kHz - 1MHz |
Integrated Inductor | no |
Ishutdown | 1.8 µA |
Isupply | 4.6 mA |
Max Phases | 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 |
Monolithic | no |
Number of Outputs | 1 |
Operating Temperature Range | -40 to 85 °C |
Output Current | 25 A |
Polyphase | yes |
Sense Resistor | DCR, Sub-Milliohm DCR |
Switch Current | 25 A |
Synchronous | yes |
Topology | Buck |
Vin Max | 38 V |
Vin Min | 4.5 V |
Vout Max | 5.5 V |
Vout Maximum | 5.5V |
Vout Min | 0.8 V |
Plan ecológico
RoHS | Obediente |
Notas de Diseño
- VID Controller with Phase Extender Provides 120A Power Supply for Latest Generation of FPGAs, ASICs and Processors &mdash DN547PDF, 335 Kb, Archivo publicado: enero 12, 2016Extracto del documento
- Powering Altera Arria 10 FPGA and Arria 10 SoC: Tested and Verified Power Management Solutions &mdash DN549PDF, 1.6 Mb, Archivo publicado: feb 19, 2016Extracto del documento
- 4-Phase Power Supply Delivers 120A in Tiny Footprint, Features Ultralow DCR Sensing for High Efficiency &mdash LT JournalPDF, 313 Kb, Archivo publicado: jul 7, 2015Extracto del documento
- Avoid Debugging Cycles in Power Management for FPGA, GPU and ASIC Systems &mdash LT JournalPDF, 3.2 Mb, Archivo publicado: agosto 25, 2016Extracto del documento
Linea modelo
Serie: LTC3874 (4)
Clasificación del fabricante
- Power Management > Switching Regulator > Step-Down (Buck) Regulators > High Input Voltage Buck | External Power Switch Buck Controllers
- Space & Harsh Environment > Extended Temperature Plastic (H & MP) > Extended Temperature (H & MP) Switching Regulators
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