Datasheet Linear Technology LTC3400ES6#PBF — Ficha de datos
Fabricante | Linear Technology |
Serie | LTC3400 |
Numero de parte | LTC3400ES6#PBF |
Convertidores de potencia síncrona de microalimentación de 600 mA y 1,2 MHz en ThinSOT
Hojas de datos
Datasheet LTC3400, LTC3400B
PDF, 223 Kb, Idioma: en, Archivo subido: sept 20, 2017, Páginas: 12
600mA, 1.2MHz Micropower Synchronous Boost Converters in ThinSOT
600mA, 1.2MHz Micropower Synchronous Boost Converters in ThinSOT
Extracto del documento
Package | SOT-23 |
Package Code | S6 |
Package Index | 05-08-1636 |
Architecture | Constant Frequency Current Mode |
Demo Boards | DC398A-A |
Design Tools | LTspice Model |
Export Control | no |
Features | Burst Mode |
Frequency | 1200 kHz |
Integrated Inductor | no |
Ishutdown | 0.01 µA |
Isupply | 0.019 mA |
Monolithic | yes |
Number of Outputs | 1 |
Operating Temperature Range | 0 to 85 °C |
Polyphase | no |
Switch Current | 0.85 A |
Synchronous | yes |
Topology | Boost |
Vin Max | 5 V |
Vin Min | 0.5 V |
Vin Min Startup | 0.85 V |
Vout Max | 5 V |
Vout Min | 1.23 V |
Vswitch Max | 6 V |
Plan ecológico
RoHS | Obediente |
Otras opciones
Notas de aplicación
- Slew Rate Verification for Wideband Amplifiers: The Taming of the Slew &mdash AN94PDF, 594 Kb, Archivo publicado: mayo 1, 2003
Wideband amplifiers achieve slew rates beyond 2500V/µs. Verifying slew rates at this speed requires special techniques. In particular, a subnanosecond rise time input step is necessary for accurate slew rate measurement. A pulse generator with a 360 picosecond rise time is shown, and its construction detailed. Slew rate test results using this generator are presented and compared to data taken with slower rise time generators. Appendices cover high speed measurement technique, generator output level shifting and picosecond signal path construction considerations.Extracto del documento
- 1.2MHz ThinSOT Boost Converter Operates from a Single Cell, Saves Board Space and Delivers 93% Efficiency &mdash LT JournalPDF, 175 Kb, Archivo publicado: sept 1, 2001Extracto del documento
Linea modelo
Serie: LTC3400 (3)
Clasificación del fabricante
- Power Management > Switching Regulator > Step-Up (Boost) Regulators > Micropower Boost | Internal Power Switch Boost
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