Datasheet Texas Instruments CD74AC10M96 — Ficha de datos
Fabricante | Texas Instruments |
Serie | CD74AC10 |
Numero de parte | CD74AC10M96 |
Puertas NAND triples de 3 entradas 14-SOIC -55 a 125
Hojas de datos
Estado del ciclo de vida | Activo (Recomendado para nuevos diseños) |
Disponibilidad de muestra del fabricante | No |
Pin | 14 |
Package Type | D |
Industry STD Term | SOIC |
Package QTY | 2500 |
Carrier | LARGE T&R |
Device Marking | AC10M |
Width (mm) | 3.91 |
Length (mm) | 8.65 |
Thickness (mm) | 1.58 |
Pitch (mm) | 1.27 |
Max Height (mm) | 1.75 |
Mechanical Data | Descargar |
Bits | 3 |
F @ Nom Voltage(Max) | 100 Mhz |
ICC @ Nom Voltage(Max) | 0.04 mA |
Operating Temperature Range | -55 to 125 C |
Output Drive (IOL/IOH)(Max) | 24/-24 mA |
Package Group | SOIC |
Package Size: mm2:W x L | 14SOIC: 52 mm2: 6 x 8.65(SOIC) PKG |
Rating | Catalog |
Schmitt Trigger | No |
Technology Family | AC |
VCC(Max) | 5.5 V |
VCC(Min) | 1.5 V |
Voltage(Nom) | 1.5,3.3,5 V |
tpd @ Nom Voltage(Max) | 139,15.5,11.1 ns |
Plan ecológico
RoHS | Obediente |
Notas de aplicación
- Using High Speed CMOS and Advanced CMOS in Systems With Multiple VccPDF, 43 Kb, Archivo publicado: abr 1, 1996
Though low power consumption is a feature of CMOS devices sometimes this feature does not meet a designer?s system power supply constraints. Therefore a partial system power down or multiple Vcc supplies are used to meet the needs of the system. This document shows electrostatic discharge protection circuits. It also provides circuit and bus driver examples of partial system power down and curren
Linea modelo
Serie: CD74AC10 (5)
- CD74AC10E CD74AC10M CD74AC10M96 CD74AC10M96E4 CD74AC10ME4
Clasificación del fabricante
- Semiconductors > Logic > Gate > NAND Gate