Datasheet Texas Instruments SN74LVC00APWT — Ficha de datos

FabricanteTexas Instruments
Numero de parteSN74LVC00APWT
Datasheet Texas Instruments SN74LVC00APWT

Puerta cuádruple NAND positiva de 2 entradas 14-TSSOP -40 a 125

Hojas de datos

SNx4LVC00A Quadruple 2-Input Positive-NAND Gates datasheet
PDF, 1.4 Mb, Revisión: R, Archivo publicado: feb 3, 2016
Extracto del documento



Estado del ciclo de vidaActivo (Recomendado para nuevos diseños)
Disponibilidad de muestra del fabricanteNo


Package TypePW
Industry STD TermTSSOP
Package QTY250
CarrierSMALL T&R
Device MarkingLC00A
Width (mm)4.4
Length (mm)5
Thickness (mm)1
Pitch (mm).65
Max Height (mm)1.2
Mechanical DataDescargar


F @ Nom Voltage(Max)150 Mhz
ICC @ Nom Voltage(Max)0.04 mA
Operating Temperature Range-40 to 125 C
Output Drive (IOL/IOH)(Max)24/-24 mA
Package GroupTSSOP
Package Size: mm2:W x L14TSSOP: 32 mm2: 6.4 x 5(TSSOP) PKG
Schmitt TriggerNo
Technology FamilyLVC
VCC(Max)3.6 V
VCC(Min)1.65 V
Voltage(Nom)1.8,2.5,2.7,3.3 V
tpd @ Nom Voltage(Max)12.5,6.4,5.1,4.3 ns

Plan ecológico


Notas de aplicación

  • LVC Characterization Information
    PDF, 114 Kb, Archivo publicado: dic 1, 1996
    This document provides characterization information about low-voltage logic (LVL) that operates from a 3.3-V power supply. It addresses the issues of interfacing to 5-V logic ac performance power considerations input and output characteristics and signal integrity for this family of devices.
  • Use of the CMOS Unbuffered Inverter in Oscillator Circuits
    PDF, 796 Kb, Archivo publicado: nov 6, 2003
    CMOS devices have a high input impedance high gain and high bandwidth. These characteristics are similar to ideal amplifier characteristics and hence a CMOS buffer or inverter can be used in an oscillator circuit in conjunction with other passive components. Now CMOS oscillator circuits are widely used in high-speed applications because they are economical easy to use and take significantly
  • Power-Up 3-State (PU3S) Circuits in TI Standard Logic Devices
    PDF, 209 Kb, Archivo publicado: mayo 10, 2002
    Many telecom and networking applications require that cards be inserted and extracted from a live backplane without interrupting data or damaging components. To achieve this interface terminals of the card must be electrically isolated from the bus system during insertion or extraction from the backplane. To facilitate this Texas Instruments provides bus-interface and logic devices with features

Linea modelo

Clasificación del fabricante

  • Semiconductors > Logic > Gate > NAND Gate