Datasheet Texas Instruments BQ24745RHDR — Ficha de datos

FabricanteTexas Instruments
Numero de parteBQ24745RHDR
Datasheet Texas Instruments BQ24745RHDR

Controlador SMBus de nivel 2 Cargador de baterías de múltiples productos químicos con entrada de corriente Detector comparador 28-VQFN 0 a 125

Hojas de datos

SMBus-Controlled Multi-chemistry Battery Charger With Input Current datasheet
PDF, 1.8 Mb, Revisión: D, Archivo publicado: oct 5, 2011
Extracto del documento



Estado del ciclo de vidaActivo (Recomendado para nuevos diseños)
Disponibilidad de muestra del fabricanteNo


Package TypeRHDRHD
Package QTY30003000
Device Marking24745BQ
Width (mm)55
Length (mm)55
Thickness (mm).9.9
Pitch (mm).5.5
Max Height (mm)11
Mechanical DataDescargarDescargar


Absolute Vin (safety rating)(Max)(30 V
Battery Charge Voltage(Max)24 V
Cell ChemistryLi-Ion/Li-Polymer
Charge Current(Max)10 A
Control InterfaceSMBus
Control TopologySwitch-Mode Buck
Number of Series Cells2,3,4
Operating Vin(Max)24 V
Operating Vin(Min)7 V
Package GroupVQFN
Package Size: mm2:W x L28VQFN: 25 mm2: 5 x 5(VQFN) PKG
Special FeaturesPower Path
USB FeatureN/A

Plan ecológico


Notas de aplicación

  • How to Use bq24745 for Charging Single-Cell Li-Ion Battery
    PDF, 195 Kb, Archivo publicado: nov 25, 2008
    The bq24745 Evaluation Module (EVM) is designed for 2- to 4-cell notebook battery-charger applications. However, the bq24745 also supports single-cell, battery-charger applications. This application report describes how to change bq24745EVM components for meeting single-cell applications. One example for 5-V input, single-cell application was tested based on a modified bq24745EVM.
  • Li-ion battery-charger solutions for JEITA compliance
    PDF, 506 Kb, Archivo publicado: enero 29, 2010
  • How to Review a Multicell Switching Charger Schematic
    PDF, 196 Kb, Archivo publicado: sept 21, 2011
    This application report provides a checklist for reviewing a switching charger schematic and explains each item in the list.
  • Q1 2010 Issue Analog Applications Journal
    PDF, 2.6 Mb, Archivo publicado: enero 29, 2010
  • Operating Fuel Gauge bq20z7x/8x/9x and SMBus-Like bq24745/47/65 Chargers
    PDF, 132 Kb, Archivo publicado: oct 6, 2009
    The smart charger bq24747/765 is a high-efficiency, synchronous battery charger with an integrated input current comparator. This charger provides low component count for space constrained, multichemistry battery charging applications. SMBus input current, charge current, and input current digital-to-analog converters allow for very high regulation accuracies that the system power management micr

Linea modelo

Clasificación del fabricante

  • Semiconductors > Power Management > Battery Management Products > Battery Charger IC