Datasheet Texas Instruments CD74HC4020M96 — Ficha de datos
Fabricante | Texas Instruments |
Serie | CD74HC4020 |
Numero de parte | CD74HC4020M96 |
Contador binario de 14 etapas CMOS Logic de alta velocidad 16-SOIC -55 a 125
Hojas de datos
CD54HC4020, CD74HC4020, CD54HCT4020, CD74HCT4020 datasheet
PDF, 455 Kb, Revisión: C, Archivo publicado: oct 16, 2003
Extracto del documento
Estado del ciclo de vida | Activo (Recomendado para nuevos diseños) |
Disponibilidad de muestra del fabricante | No |
Pin | 16 |
Package Type | D |
Industry STD Term | SOIC |
Package QTY | 2500 |
Carrier | LARGE T&R |
Device Marking | HC4020M |
Width (mm) | 3.91 |
Length (mm) | 9.9 |
Thickness (mm) | 1.58 |
Pitch (mm) | 1.27 |
Max Height (mm) | 1.75 |
Mechanical Data | Descargar |
Bits | 14 |
F @ Nom Voltage(Max) | 28 Mhz |
Function | Counter |
ICC @ Nom Voltage(Max) | 0.08 mA |
Operating Temperature Range | -55 to 125 C |
Output Drive (IOL/IOH)(Max) | 5.2/-5.2 mA |
Package Group | SOIC |
Package Size: mm2:W x L | 16SOIC: 59 mm2: 6 x 9.9(SOIC) PKG |
Rating | Catalog |
Technology Family | HC |
Type | Binary |
VCC(Max) | 6 V |
VCC(Min) | 2 V |
Voltage(Nom) | 3.3,5 V |
tpd @ Nom Voltage(Max) | 30 ns |
Plan ecológico
RoHS | Obediente |
Notas de aplicación
- Selecting the Right Texas Instruments Signal SwitchPDF, 769 Kb, Archivo publicado: sept 7, 2001
Texas Instruments offers a wide variety of electronic switches (digital analog bilateral bilateral analog) in a variety of families including CBT CBTLV HC LV and LVC. Depending on the application the right solution may be an analog switch that passes digital signals or vice versa. This application report summarizes the various switching technologies and provides considerations for choosi - SN54/74HCT CMOS Logic Family Applications and RestrictionsPDF, 102 Kb, Archivo publicado: mayo 1, 1996
The TI SN54/74HCT family of CMOS devices is a subgroup of the SN74HC series with the HCT circuitry modified to meet the interfacing requirements of TTL outputs to high-speed CMOS inputs. The HCT devices can be driven by the TTL circuits directly without additional components. This document describes the TTL/HC interface the operating voltages circuit noise and power consumption. A Bergeron anal
Linea modelo
Serie: CD74HC4020 (7)
Clasificación del fabricante
- Semiconductors > Logic > Specialty Logic > Counter/Arithmetic/Parity Function