Datasheet Texas Instruments LM3409QMYX/NOPB — Ficha de datos

FabricanteTexas Instruments
Numero de parteLM3409QMYX/NOPB
Datasheet Texas Instruments LM3409QMYX/NOPB

PFET Buck Controller para unidades LED de alta potencia 10-MSOP-PowerPAD -40 a 125

Hojas de datos

LM3409, -Q1, LM3409HV, -Q1 P-FET Buck Controller for High-Power LED Drivers datasheet
PDF, 1.7 Mb, Revisión: L, Archivo publicado: mayo 23, 2016
Extracto del documento



Estado del ciclo de vidaActivo (Recomendado para nuevos diseños)
Disponibilidad de muestra del fabricanteNo


Package TypeDGQ
Industry STD TermHVSSOP
Package QTY3500
CarrierLARGE T&R
Device MarkingSZDB
Width (mm)3
Length (mm)3
Thickness (mm)1.02
Pitch (mm).5
Max Height (mm)1.1
Mechanical DataDescargar


ApplicationsDaytime Running,Fog,Headlamp,Position,Turn
Number of Channels1
Iout(Max)5 A
Iq(Typ)2 mA
LED Current Per Channel5000 mA
Operating Temperature Range-40 to 125 C
Package GroupMSOP-PowerPAD
Package Size: mm2:W x L10MSOP-PowerPAD: 15 mm2: 4.9 x 3(MSOP-PowerPAD) PKG
Special FeaturesAdjustable Switch Frequency,Enable/Shutdown,Precision Dimming Control,Thermal Shutdown
Switching Frequency(Max)2000 kHz
Switching Frequency(Min)50 kHz
TopologyBuck Controller
Vin(Max)42 V
Vin(Min)6 V
Vout(Max)42 V
Vout(Min)1.24 V

Plan ecológico


Kits de diseño y Módulos de evaluación

  • Evaluation Modules & Boards: LM3409EVAL
    LM3409 Demonstration Board
    Estado del ciclo de vida: Activo (Recomendado para nuevos diseños)

Notas de aplicación

  • Dimming Techniques for Switched-Mode LED Drivers
    PDF, 425 Kb, Archivo publicado: jul 30, 2009
  • AN-1982 Small, Wide Input Voltage Range LM2842 Keeps LEDs Cool (Rev. A)
    PDF, 60 Kb, Revisión: A, Archivo publicado: abr 23, 2013
    The world seems to be poised to make the leap to LED lighting. Incandescent has been deemed tooinefficient, which it is, and fluorescent lighting often does not achieve the lifetime it claims. Fluorescentalso has another set of baggage, dangerous chemicals. So the logical choice that most people believe cantake the crown is high brightness (HB) LEDs. HBLEDs are becoming more attractive as th
  • Driving LEDs: To Cap or Not to Cap
    PDF, 542 Kb, Archivo publicado: marzo 21, 2007
  • AN-1656 Design Challenges of Switching LED Drivers (Rev. A)
    PDF, 171 Kb, Revisión: A, Archivo publicado: mayo 3, 2013
    Using a switching regulator as an LED driver requires the designer to convert a voltage regulator into acurrent regulator. Beyond the challenge of changing the feedback system to control current, the LEDsthemselves present a load characteristic that is much different than the digital devices and other loads thatrequire constant voltage. The LED WEBENCHВ® online design environment predicts and

Linea modelo

Serie: LM3409-Q1 (2)

Clasificación del fabricante

  • Semiconductors > Power Management > LED Driver > Automotive LED Driver