Datasheet Texas Instruments TMS320LC203PZ — Ficha de datos

FabricanteTexas Instruments
Numero de parteTMS320LC203PZ
Datasheet Texas Instruments TMS320LC203PZ

Procesador de señal digital 100-LQFP

Hojas de datos

Digital Signal Processors datasheet
PDF, 1.2 Mb, Revisión: B, Archivo publicado: agosto 30, 1998
Extracto del documento



Estado del ciclo de vidaNRND (No recomendado para nuevos diseños)
Disponibilidad de muestra del fabricanteNo


Package TypePZ
Industry STD TermLQFP
Device MarkingTMS320LC203PZ
Width (mm)14
Length (mm)14
Thickness (mm)1.4
Pitch (mm).5
Max Height (mm)1.6
Mechanical DataDescargar

Plan ecológico

Pb gratisNo

Notas de aplicación

  • Feature Phone Based on TMS320LC203
    PDF, 131 Kb, Archivo publicado: abr 1, 1997
    This application report describes a feature phone design based on the TMS320LC203. The LC203 is a 3V member of the TMS320C2xx DSP family combining low cost and low power consumption with a computing power of 20 MIPS. Three independent onchip ports, UART, Serial Port and Parallel Port, allow designing with minimal external logic saving cost, board space and assuring fast access times.This report
  • Implementing Circular Buffers With Bit-Reversed Addressing
    PDF, 84 Kb, Archivo publicado: jul 1, 1997
    Delay lines are used in many DSP applications. Delay lines provide a buffer of the last N samples of data for a filter or other algorithm. While delay lines can be implemented as linear or circular buffers, buffers of the circular variety are often preferred due to their relative simplicity.Texas Instruments' (TI) TMS320 family of DSPs can manipulate circular buffer pointers without penalty to

Linea modelo

Serie: TMS320LC203 (2)

Clasificación del fabricante

  • Semiconductors > Processors > Other Processors